Meet the Team

Executive Director
Eileen Perchak
Eileen is currently serving as the executive director for the newly formed NonProfit Collaborative Autism Movement, or CAM.
She has been working in the non-profit sector, specifically geared toward autism for the last 12 years. Ten of those years were as the executive director of S.A.F.E. (Supporting Autism and Families Everywhere). She was responsible for all day-to-day administrative activities, fundraising, grant writing, program development, and direct communication with the board of directors.
Her passion is driven for the autism population as she has a 26-year-old son who is on the spectrum and also has a daughter who is neurotypical.
Eileen is an active board member of H.A.R.P – Hazleton Area Recreation Program.
Her goal is to make the vision of CAM be impactful, grow, inclusive, and most importantly help those people and families affected with autism spectrum disorders

Executive Assistant
Peggy Durako
Peggy became involved with autism-related issues when her nephew was born in order to understand more and help her family. By taking courses at Rutgers related to autism and person-centered thinking, a lifelong passion to understand and assist those with autism was born.
Peggy attended the Community College of Philadelphia and Rutgers University and worked in the nursing field, where she worked in Pediatrics and general medicine floors, as well as home health care. Peggy was also learning photography from the New York Institute of Photography. She volunteered as a photographer for the Swan Volunteer Photography Agency, who work with the statewide adoption and permanence network, photographing mostly children with special needs.
Peggy began at SAFE as a photographer at their events and social media coordinator and felt that she had found her true passion. This led to a more permanent position at SAFE, Director of Operations, overseeing day to day computer-related, database and all social media activities.
Peggy is very excited and honored to bring her experience to her new position as Executive Assistant at Collaborative Autism Movement, looking forward to learning more and working to make CAM the leader in inclusion of autistic and special-needs individuals in the community.
Interested in Volunteering?
We welcome volunteers for our fundraising events. Please contact us at for upcoming opportunities.